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10 POINTER CHECKLIST For Your Construction Site Noise.

Construction noise is inevitable. The work done with machinery or even man-work causes noise that definitely will effect dwellers living near the construction premises however does it end there?

Being also in the Noise Mitigation Industry mainly for construction, we compiled a list for you to get the Decibels lower on your part. This might seem like heavy work but spending none on fines and getting the ‘stop-work’ order is better is it not?


1) Try getting all your machinery / plant to be sound reduced prior to entering the site.

2) Have noise source housed in an acoustic shed.

3) Noise source must be barricaded with portable sound barriers/panels, properly shut with no probable noise leakage.

4) Have all plant/machinery/equipment must be pasted with a weather-proof sticker clearly indicating its noise emission level (at source) under normal operating condition. (i.e. generators etc)

6) Noise barriers should be erected before any work commences if the site is within proximity to residences and/or sensitive buildings. (i.e. within 150m)

7) Best effort by contractors are to give some time into public relation works to establish good rapport with the community.

8) For sites near to schools, the contractor should note that all construction works, which generate substantial noise, should not be carried out during the school examination periods. (courtesy and out of respect). If possible, obtain the official confirmation of the examination schedules from the School Administrator including revision of schedules.

9) All machines in intermittent use should be shut down or throttled down (where possible) to a minimum.

10) Care should be taken when loading or unloading vehicles, dismantling scaffolding or moving materials to reduce impact noises. Access to the working areas shall ensure minimum disturbance to people in occupied buildings.

While those are fast ‘solution’ you can adopt, we can always go a further distance to further enhance the effectiveness. Definitely, with such measures taken, dwellers will still reach out to the necessary department to voice their complain.

This HOWEVER is not that they wish to stir up problems BUT most probably due to lack of knowledge by YOUR SIDE in the effort to mitigate noise. Below are EXTRA tips you are able to adopt to make everything more effective:
  • Providing a hotline for public to feedback

  • Distribute flyers, newsletters, circulars

  • Manage complaints and explaining cause of noise

  • Door-to-door visits

  • Updating residents through events

  • Setting up a liaison office for the public (for longer term projects)

OR YOU CAN JUST DISCUSS THIS MATTER WITH US *hint hint* call us to inquire withing and use this code #PR so we know what you are talking about.

Till Then. God Bless.


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